We envision empowered communities with sustainable livelihoods living in harmony

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We improve and strengthen networking with development partners within and outside Karamoja

We have field offices in the districts of Moroto, Napak, Nakapiripirit, Nabilatuk and Amudat

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what we do
We are mandated to handle household and community transformation activities on behalf of the Diocese.

About Us


Karamoja Integrated Development Services (KIDS) is a registered development implementing arm of Karamoja Diocese mandated by its Synod to handle household and community transformation activities in an integrated manner and on behalf of the Diocese. KIDS expedites development activities through the field offices operating in the districts of Moroto, Napak, Nakapiripirit, Nabilatuk and Amudat with each district having an independent decentralized structures called Zonal Integrated Development Programme – all located in central and Southern part of Karamoja Sub region, namely:

  • Bokora Zonal Integrated Development Programme (BOZIDEP) operates in Napak district
  • Matheniko Zonal Integrated Development Programme (MAZIDEP) operates in Moroto district
  • Pokot Zonal Integrated Development Programme (POZIDEP) operates in Amudat district

  • Pian-Chekwii Zonal Integrated Development Programme operates in Nabilatuk and Nakapiripirit districts

The secretariat as a coordinating arm of KIDS’ organisation is based in Moroto. Its overall function is to oversee the implementation and provide technical services to all the zonal offices. The zonal structural arrangements of decentralization and integration of the activities makes KIDS style of implementation more agile and impacting since activities and interventions are contextualized to meet the unique challenges and needs of the marginalized agro-pastoral communities of districts.

Empowered communities with sustainable livelihoods living in harmony.

To build the capacities of communities and church workers, to actively participate in spearheading their own development for poverty reduction, and peaceful co-existence, through an integrated approach.

To improve the livelihoods of the Karamojong agro-pastoral communities through sustainable development programmes.

Under this thematic area KIDS implements and marketing and entrepreneurship services for the farmers.

Primary Health Care and curative services through one Health Centre II in the district of Moroto in the sub county of Loputuk.

Prevention Programme: HIV/AIDS awareness, Behavior Change and Life skills among the youth

To curb this vice, awareness creation, sensitization and trainings on the dangers of FGM

Teaching youth (girls and boys) especially those not in schools, men and women on how to read and write

Lobbying with district councils to institute policies regarding environmental protection has been done

Gender and Human Rights. Disaster risk reduction and climate change visa vie their respective livelihood options.


Our mission is to provide the best services.

We build the capacities of communities and church workers, to actively participate in spearheading their own development for poverty reduction, and peaceful co-existence, through an integrated approach.